Friday, September 20, 2013

Friday Favorites

It's Friiiiiiiidayyyyyyy!!!

Thank goodness, I wasn't sure I was going to make it to this day.  It's weird, the weeks seem longer, but then once you get to the end of another one, you wonder where the time went.  Plus, I think time speeds up as you get older.  What a sick joke, right?!

In any case, here's another installment of my Friday Favorites.  Prepare yourselves, it's gonna be epic.  No, it's not.  Don't get too excited.

1.  Alabama Football

I can't help it.  It's fall (ish), which means it's football season!!! I love football, but I really love my Alabama boys. Though last week's game brought on a couple of stress-induced heart attacks, There is nothing like watching the Tide roll.  Amen and amen.

2.  Feta Cheese

Fun fact about me:  I don't like chicken.  It just doesn't taste good to me at all (which is a little inconvenient since every other food on the planet apparently tastes like chicken, but whatever).  But you better believe that if you put feta on it, I may consider eating it.  Feta makes EVERYTHING taste betta.

3.  Travel blogs

I am OBSESSED with reading other's travel blogs.  99.99999% of my Bloglovin' feed consists of these and I read each and every single one of the entries.  {Admittedly, I am behind by about a week or so because there are so many but who cares.}  Check out here, here, here, and here just to name a few.  There is a whole world out there and these girls {and lots of others} are visiting it all!  Warning:  Viewing these blogs will make you daydream about dropping everything and exploring the amazing world we live in.  

4.  The Weather Forecast

Don't you just love when you plan for an amazing activity with your family {or better yet with your spouse as a date} and you are so excited that you can't stand it?  Let's say you've decided to go canoeing ({hypothetically speaking, of course}!  It's been so beautiful all week long WHILE YOU ARE STUCK AT WORK IN AN OFFICE.

What's that?  Mother Nature heard you wanted to spend your Saturday with your honey enjoying her beauty while floating down a river?  Pshhhh  IT SHALL STORM ALL WEEKEND LONG BECAUSE I SAY SO! {That's the way I envision Mother Nature speaking - in a loud, bellowing voice that booms over thunder.}  Really, MN?!  What did I ever do to you?!  You are on my bad list now.  {Please don't strike my house with lightning.  I'm just angry.  I don't really hate you.  BFF's?}

5.  Dancing at weddings

This girl is amazing.  She would totally be my daughter. {I will state for the record, and with great pride, that Canon tore up the dance floor at the wedding we attended a couple of weeks ago, though definitely not to this extent.} Go girl.  Rock it out.

{Note:  I couldn't embed the video so do yourself a favor and go watch it.  This girl's got skills!}

Happy Friday!!!

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