Monday, November 24, 2014

Hiking in the freezing cold of...fall

As you should all know very well by now, we love going hiking. We love all that north Georgia has to offer. And we all love the cold. Well, you may not know that part yet, but you will come to learn. It is not that we actually love being cold. It's just that...well, it's nice to bundle up and breath in crisp air. Or stay inside and drink hot chocolate by the fireplace. When it is hot, though, it is just miserable. I mean, who wants to sweat just walking outside?! {Ahem, Gulf Coast, I'm looking at you.}

When we moved here six months ago, one of the things we were so looking forward to was the change in seasons. All of them. It is exciting to us to see the gorgeous changing of the leaves, then watching them fall to the ground as they dance in the wind. This year the whole country is experiencing an extremely early winter while it is technically still fall. Though I know that this likely means it will be a harsh few months once winter does hit, we are loving the coolness {coldness?} now. At the beginning of November - the first day of the month to be exact - we decided to brave the almost-literally freezing temperatures and go hiking close to home. We bundled up in layers upon layers of clothing and socks, and took to the Little Kennesaw and Camp Brumby trails for some winter-y fall hiking.

Before anyone says anything about {grandparents}, yes he does have gloves. He really, really, really loves pockets though and since they were fleece-lined we didn't mind him foregoing the gloves as long as he kept his hands warm.

This rock - the one Canon is standing on in the prior picture - really caught our attention. I said it looked like it was formed by lava. Craig said water. Turns out it was actually formed by lava. While under water. We were both right. #iwasmoreright #notatallcompetitive

Since we have starting hiking, Craig has given me his hand {and helped Canon too} over large rocks or steep hills. For whatever reason, on this particular day Canon remembered that and "helped" me over every single step down or up that we came across. It was such a great reminder that he watches everything that we do and that he idolizes his dad. It also made me so thankful that he has such a good role model for how to be a man.

I love his adventurous spirit. Everything is exciting and fun. Case in point? These rocks. There may be even ground to walk on, but he will take the rocks every single time.

I have never seen one of these guys before it turned brown. Cool, right?

Don't ask what I am wearing...I was warm and that's what matters.

Both of my boys love drawing and brought along sketch pads for our hike. #likefatherlikeson

Craig was fascinated by the size of this leaf and really wanted Canon to take note of it. Canon, on the other hand, really wanted to ham it up for the camera. Guess who won?

Nope. Guess again.

There you go. Every. Single. Time.

My rock-climbing hubby was hanging on for dear life until Canon explained to him that he was mere inches from the ground. Thanks Captain Obvious.

About halfway through our hike, someone got tired and just plopped down at my feet. Wouldn't move another inch. He just sat there, leaning on my legs, half eating his sandwich until Craig finally picked him up.

So we decided to turn around and go back.

When we told him we were headed back to the car, he miraculously caught a second wind and we explored another trail.

We had a wonderful time here and we are quickly realizing that we really love Kennesaw National Park. All of it.

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