Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend 2014 : Blue Ridge, GA : Brassy - Day 5

Day five of our mountain vacation took us to Brasstown Bald in the Chattahoochee National Forest. It is the highest natural point in Georgia and boasts views of four different states from the lookout tower. 

The first place you see when you enter the park is a little convenience store, of sorts. They sell everything from hiking and camping gear to souvenirs, but I preferred to stay outside and check out the building itself. So cute.

There are two ways to get up the mountain : you can walk up Summit Trail or you can take the van that buses people every 15 minutes to and from the top. Grandpa, Grandma, and Great Grandma thought it best to ride so they took Canon with them. Craig and I took the more scenic route.

Thank goodness for timers on cameras. How else would we get pictures together when on hikes alone? {Could I be any more specific?!}

At the lookout tower, there is a museum that tells the history of the area. It houses everything from an animatronic park ranger to a steam engine. Not even joking.

It also contained this. A saw that the boys could actually use. These two could have stayed there all day.

We couldn't miss the creme de la creme though, so we took the stairs to the top of the tower for 360 degree views available. There was a fog over the mountains so the view was a little diminished, but it made for some really cool mystical effects so I was happy.

Again with the three generation picture thing. Can you say "obsession"? I knew you could. {Ten thousand cool points for naming that reference.}

Canon talked about how much he could see through this view finder, which was amazing considering we never turned it on. We did get a small taste of our old "home" though when we found that it was made in Fairhope, AL. I think they all are. Fairhope has a monopoly on view finders!

Funny fact. There was a middle-aged gentleman at the top when I was taking pictures and he actually stopped me in the middle of shooting to say "geez, I hope you have a filter on that lens or none of your pictures are going to turn out!" Rude, much? I mean, he could have been freakin' Ansel Adams and I would still have preferred he gave me photography advice with a little more tact. Thanks, dude, for reminding me that some people are just completely oblivious...or mean.

Nevertheless, though, we had a wonderful time and everyone else we encountered was extremely nice. We will definitely be visiting there again - maybe in the fall. Wouldn't the changing leaves be gorgeous from up there?!

There is more of day 5 to come. I mean, I could have packed this post with about 75 pictures, but that is getting a little crazy. So yep, I am dragging it on. Hope to see you then!

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