First of all, yes I realize I still haven't finished recapping the weekend. That would be because I haven't even looked at the photos from Sunday, much less edited them. My apologies. Moving on...
As you all know by now, Canon is obsessed with pirates - well, Jake and the Neverland Pirates to be precise. So of course, he was very adamant about being a pirate last year and we were happy to oblige. I mean, who doesn't love a swashbuckling two year old, wielding a sword while jumping off things and saying "Arrrrghh!". Answer - no one.
I chose this picture, not for it's quality {obviously}, but to prove that he did in fact carry a sword and have an eye patch.
Also, this is a good time to introduce you to a little city in southern Alabama called Fairhope. This is a gem of a town that has both a small town and big city feel, if that is possible. It was founded by artists and remains rooted in it's beginnings, all while embracing change as it comes. They host festivals and art walks every year - Octoberfest, Mardi Gras, Christmas Lights Tree Lighting, New Years' Eve ball drop - you name it, they make it happen. We were actually married here and we have a lot of family that currently resides in the town. Because of this reason, we are there a lot which means that we have grown to love the city and what it has to offer.
Every year the city of Fairhope hosts a trick-or-treat party downtown for all children to attend. Any shop that chooses may participate by placing a sign in the window alerting trick-or-treaters to the fact that there is candy inside. The children will then wander into the business and yell "trick-or-treat!" while the parents are browsing their inventory. It's genius marketing, really. It is so much fun to walk around and see all of the children dressed up, and their excitement is infectious.
Last year, we took Canon and his cousin, Anderson, to trick-or-treat and of course documented their every move.
That's right. A pirate and a scarecrow coming together for the common good - Mommy (or Aunt Whitney) photo shoot. They look ecstatic.
Captain Canon and his first mate, Aunt Megan, preparing the guns for battle cheesing for the camera.
The Fairhope schools' mascot is a pirate so they have a "ship" at the football fields. We couldn't pass up that perfect opportunity for a photo op, of course! Too bad we couldn't get the scurvy codfish to wield his sword and eye patch {or look at the camera}. Dang, pirates. You can't tell them anything.
There are some other pictures from that day that I wish so badly that I could share, but suffice it to say that they involve a certain pirate, dressed in only his skivvies. His sword is strategically placed in the side or front of his undergarments and he is posing as if going into battle. Epic photos. Seriously.
There are two things that I hope to accomplish during Halloween this year:
1) I hope that Canon has just as much, if not more, fun than he did last year. We will be in Virginia with my parents so it will be a different experience and I am ready for it! Not to mention they actually have changing leaves, so bring on the photo ops!!! Which leads me to...
2) I hope that my pictures turn out better than these. I am not sure what was going on during October of last year, but none of my pictures from that month turned out good. Here's hoping this year is better!
In the coming days, I will be sharing other Fall activities that we did last year in an effort to get into the spirit of the season {she says whilst sweating away in nearly 90 degree weather. yeah, ok not really, but it isn't exactly fall yet either}. Regardless, brace yourselves.
So I know you are all planning costumes for yourselves and/or your children. Spill the details. I've gotta know your plans!
so...............what's YOUR halloween costume going to be? Inquiring minds want to know.
ReplyDeleteAlas, I shall be the Mother of the ___________! {You will have to find out when I blog about it in November}