Thursday, April 24, 2014

Easter Sunday

As I stated in Tuesday's blog post, we celebrate Easter as the day Jesus rose from the grave, but we also love to encourage magic in our child's life by way of the Easter Bunny {much like Santa Claus at Christmas}. So Easter morning, Canon woke up to a few treats from E.B. which both amazed and excited him. I guess he doesn't remember every other Easter that he has been alive because this was a completely new experience for him. Definitely made for a fun time for us.

E.B. brought him a few fun things like nun-chucks, Frozen, throwing stars, stickers, a "grabber", and a dinosaur puzzle, among some other toys and treats. For the record, yes I realize that he is spoiled, but we enjoy making these times special, so I won't apologize for that.

After basket-opening and church, we had Easter lunch with my mom and my brother's family at our house. Then, of course, it was egg hunting time. Craig and my brother Wread hid the eggs in the backyard and then the kids had a blast finding them all.

Anderson, who is two years old, used this basket for her eggs. She would pick up a couple of "founts" {as in "I found it!"}, as she called them, and walk them back to her basket. Once all eggs were found, the kids wanted to find more so Wread took the eggs from her basket to hide again. Anderson, of course, didn't see this happening but realized that her eggs were missing after a while, and her face upon this discovery was priceless. She subsequently refused to put any more eggs into it and carried tons of them around the rest of the day in her arms. Even as her daddy tried to coax her to use her basket, she vehemently refused.

The boys thought they would be very clever and hide some eggs on their person, which the kiddos found immediately. Can you spot Craig's?

I would like to note that the hidden egg that Canon found here is actually located in a light switch, not an outlet.

And there is Wread's "hidden" egg on his person.

Of course, I also insisted on family pictures that day. Or at least, the family that was present.

I would also like to point out that Easter Sunday also happened to be my dad's birthday, so while he wasn't here to celebrate with us, we were able to video chat with him for a while and had a nice little visit. Happy birthday Dad! I love you and can't wait to see you again soon!

I hope everyone had a happy and blessed Easter!

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