Wednesday, June 14, 2017

A Mountain Weekend Getaway

I know it's going to come as a shock to everyone, but I don't remember a thing about this trip to Blue Ridge other than the fact that we hopped up there for a weekend visit in May of 2015 so that Craig could help his dad with some manly chores. You know, chopping down trees, making fires, drinking beer. Wait, that last thing isn't manly. It's smart. I mean...uh. You know what I mean.

Since it wasn't a "visiting family" or "holiday" jaunt, I spent my time documenting everything around me. I know, I know - I always do that. Just look at the photos and don't mind me.

Fibonacci, what?!

Don't these just send you back to your childhood days and make you hungry for summer outside?

While I was flitting around from plant to plant like a little butterfly {um, what?! I promise I am of sound mind. Usually.}, the boys were hard at work. Canon was breaking sticks...

...while the men took down this huge limb. It has since been used to make some pretty tasty s'mores. #thanksnature

I promise not all of my posts will be this lacking of stories and words, but sometimes it just works out that way. Also, I just legitimately don't remember this weekend. So...

However, standing before you today, I do solemnly swear to draft up a ton of posts each weekend and will dig into the very depths of my soul to bring you joy! tears! laughter! with my entries in the future. My life's purpose is, of course, to make you happy, dear readers. I shall strive to live up to my potential.

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